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Sabbath School

Sabbath school classes are the heartbeat of our church community. Each week we spend time learning from Scripture and from each other.


Our Sabbath School fellowship begins at 9:30 a.m. Children's classes begin immediately while adult Sabbath school opens with a short program in the sanctuary which can consist of singing, inspirational thoughts, mission stories, and special features. After the opening program, adults divide into their separate classes. Join one of our Sabbath School classes each Saturday morning.  


We have small groups that study the Bible, pray for each other and share what God has done in our life during the week.  


Find the right class for you from the options listed below:


Adult Sabbath School Class:  

Two adult classes are available each Sabbath

  1. Traditional Lesson Study: Elder Cheryl Aubrey (Sanctuary)

  2. Small Group Lesson Study:  Rotating study leaders (Kids Club Room) 


Beginner/Cradle Roll 

Sabbath School for children from birth to 5 years old. 

Classes are held downstairs in the Cradle Row Classroom.

Teacher: Liset Lopez 

[Bible Study Lessons]


Primary Class

Sabbath School class for children from 6-9 years old.  

Classes are held downstairs in the Primary Classroom.

Teacher: Mrs. Bonnie Hawley

[Bible Study Lessons]


Junior/Youth Class

Sabbath School class for children 10+ years old.  

Classes are held downstairs in the Junior Classroom.

Teacher: Eldred Lopez

[Bible Study Lessons]



If you are interested in being an active part of Sabbath School Ministries, please contact us immediately.

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Church services every Saturday.

Sabbath School division starts at 10 am (children and adults).

Worship service at 11 am. 



1010 Old Joppa Rd

Joppa, MD, 21085

Phone: 410-877-8153

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© 2015 by Wilna Seventh-day Adventist Church

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